Part 2 - Automate VM Rightsizing

YouTube If you prefer to watch a video on this topic check out my YouTube channel. Use Case The customer wanted to use Aria Operations (AO) and ServiceNow (SNOW) to automate VM rightsizing, their requirements were below. AO creates SNOW incident for VM rightsizing SNOW runs business rules / workflows SNOW initiates VM rightsize action via AO AO communicates with vCenter to rightsize VM Below is a visual representation

Part 1 - Automate VM Rightsizing

YouTube If you prefer to watch a succinct video on this topic check out my YouTube channel. Use Case The customer wanted to use Aria Operations (AO) and ServiceNow (SNOW) to automate VM rightsizing, their requirements were below. AO creates SNOW incident for VM rightsizing SNOW runs business rules / workflows SNOW initiates VM rightsize action via AO AO communicates with vCenter to rightsize VM Below is a visual representation